Saturday, July 27, 2024

Fun Over Fatigue

by Nina Isabelle Alolod | April 25, 2023

During the intramurals, there was palpable excitement in the air as the sought-after campus event returned after its two-year hiatus. The week-long event proved to be a time of excitement and camaraderie for Sillimanians. 

The university intramurals this school year was set in the month of March, contrary to its usual run during the rainy months of November. And quite easily, the athletes were more prone to heat strokes and exhaustion. The challenge remained difficult as aside from strains, muscle sores, the pressure to succeed in matches was high.

On the question of what could have been done, here are few of the things that the student athletes or aspiring athletes may need to note.

Stretching. The human body can be overwhelmed quite easily. Stretching before and after any physical activities can help loosen muscles and prevent injury. Moreover, it’s a time one can hone their focus in preparation for a match or for standing for long periods of time to spectate.

Hydration. Drinking water is an easy way to replenish energy. With the recent high temperature the country is experiencing, making sure to stay hydrated lessens the possibilities of falling ill from the heat.

Sleep. Getting at least 7-9 hours of sleep gives time for the muscle to repair itself as well as overall reducing physical fatigue. In addition, one gets to start the day feeling refreshed and energized.

Relax. Taking a step away from the intensity of the intramurals can help a great deal to one’s mental health. Whether it be reading a book or taking a long bath, taking a break from competition can ease the tension and anxiety of the day.

These steps may sound simple to keep in mind but in a hot blooded event like the intramurals, one can get carried away in the midst of the festivities and find themselves overwhelmed or overstimulated. This makes it all the more important to remember that the human body has limits that one should be careful of crossing. After all, it would be better to end the week with just as much energy as it began.


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