Saturday, July 27, 2024

“What are your thoughts on Securities and Exchange Commission’s decision to revoke Rappler’s registration?”

I think SEC did the right thing in revoking Rappler’s registration. If they violated the law, then they must face the consequences, simple as that. Why it is that Rappler is making the “inaapi” effect here? Not because they were a strong critic of the Duterte administration, doesn’t mean the Duterte administration will deprive Rappler freedom of press. If Rappler is really fighting for freedom of press, then they should tell the people honestly that they violated the law and will not deny it.
Mark Nicko E. Paquibot, AB Political Science – III

I can’t comment on the legality of the decision, but what it does do is send a signal that the press is not invulnerable from the scrutiny of the Executive (even if the current SEC chair is a Aquino appointee). It’s made the government look very intolerant of the press not only to Filipinos but also to foreigners. No matter what the Executive branch says about Rappler deserving it, it doesn’t really matter because the message that the government won’t tolerate dissent is already out there.
Dale Casocot, BBA Economics III

If it has been proven that Rappler is not 100% Filipino owned, I think that SEC has all the right to revoke their registration. We can’t let any news outlet influence us especially when they themselves do not follow the law of the Republic of the Philippines. What I just want to emphasize is that we should follow the law.
Souljah Harris Faller, BS Foreign Affairs – III

I think that the revocation made by the SEC is somehow valid because Rappler has already accumulated a certain amount of violations against the ownership and control rules of a social media site. Certainly Rappler has been very informative and instructive in distributing news for the past years, but it is noted that there should’ve been no
violations whatsoever for Rappler to proceed as an “online news outlet.”
Francesca Remollo, BBA Management III

Rappler is a very controversial company which is why it receives so much attention not just from the public but also from the government. The possibility of the government going out of its way to revoke the registration is possible, but then again, if the grounds are enough, there are laws to be followed. I am for freedom of speech. Let’s just make sure we do it right.
Marjy R. Martinez, BSPT-IV

I believe the SEC’s decision to revoke Rappler’s registration was a clear manifestation of how this administration does not value press freedom. Rappler may have committed a violation, I think it would be just and fair to give the corporation time to cure what they’ve caused instead.
Ayla Veremeika R. Gaudiel, Grade 12 STEAM

Reviewing the SEC’s decision, it was quite clear that Rappler has violated the constitution. But we should also consider that there may have been a motive to SEC’s decision, especially that Rappler articles are critical to the Duterte administration.
Al-khaizer Bael Warad, BSCE-III

I don’t think it is too much of a problem whether they stay or leave. Rappler tries to defend itself under the banner of free press, yet at the same time the Philippines is considered one of the most free press in Asia.
Francis Angelico L. Visitacion, BMC-IV

I do think that the Duterte Administration, out of personal interests, had something to do with this but for Rappler’s part, they also had faults for letting in foreign investor/stakeholders which is against the law.
Lexandrea Bliss V. Dela Cerna, BS in Civil Engineering-V

I see it as a politically driven attack on a perfectly neutral internet news outlet since the current administration has a strange disposition towards any mainstream media. The administration places more legitimacy towards fake news conspiracists and bloggers who paint a bad picture and provide false quotations to get favor from the public.
Jedidiah Belciña, BS in Mechanical Engineering-V

I think the SEC’s revocation regarding Rappler’s registration is more of the foreign ownership issue and not really about the oppression of their freedom of expression. They can still publish their news and their journals so for me their freedom of speech was not taken away from them.
Charms Kirby Lumjod, BS in Nursing-II

In my opinion, Rappler is a very useful site especially when you want to know what’s happening within the country. Now about RAPPLER’s registration being revoked by the SEC, I personally don’t think that’s the best solution for the matter at hand.
Kliff Rajh L. Partosa, BS in Civil Engineering – IV

My analysis is very simplistic, I suppose, since I have not utterly delved yet on the issue. But I think this is an outright transgression of the freedom of the press. This move aims at silencing our journalists, media practitioners, etc. which ought not to be tolerated. I firmly stand with the right to free expression.
Allison Cruyff V F. Ladero, AB Philosophy IV

Free press and free speech come at a cost. Being a student of sociology, the most important thing to us is factual data and truth even in little things. Falsehood has no place in any media. I am with the decision of the removal of their registration mainly because they are responsible for what they put out.
Lance Justin Tan, AB Sociology III

The SEC’s decision on revoking Rappler’s registration would give the Philippine media a huge favor in having unbiased reports. They have been bombarding the President questions which seem to favor the group of people who hate the administration of Duterte, instead of giving equal views and reports.
Adrian Dee A. Bustaleño, BS Agricultural Business II


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