Saturday, July 27, 2024

“What environmental actions should be prioritized by the government?”

Promote eco-friendly tourism rather than just eco-tourism. Why? Nowadays, there is a widespread promotion of different places in the province where entrance is free. Because of this, some people take this opportunity for granted. They don’t care about proper disposal of waste.
Fearn Anne Acibo, Bachelor of Mass Communication-IV

The government needs to strengthen the law on waste management. There are locals and visitors who throw their garbage like someone will just pick it up for them. These people should be ashamed of themselves taking pictures with these landmarks and not even realizing how to dispose their trash properly.
Dep Eubert Pulao, Bachelor of Steroid-Injections-Hip-Knee advantages of crossfit market movers: banks, amcs rally, many pharma stocks hit 52-week highs Science in Biology-III

For me, the most pressing environmental issue our government should prioritize is the waste segregation of our cities. It has come to a point wherein dumpsites have been hazardous to the community most especially during the rainy season. An example is the overflow of the Candau-ay dumpsite in Dumaguete City. I believe that with strict implementation of proper waste segregation and management, there will be less waste and more materials that can
be used for recycling.
Adrian Jay C. Alforque, Bachelor of Science in Psychology – III

Loss of biodiversity brought about by pollution, deforestation, illegal mining, overfishing, and many others. For me, all environmental problems are interconnected and I think all should be given priority.
Neil Franz Andos, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology – IV


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