Saturday, July 27, 2024

“What important lesson have you learned in Silliman this 2017?”

Being an intern assigned in Cebu, I guess the most important lesson that I’ve learned this year is about the value of friendship and family. They were my support system during the times when I was exhausted from a 16-hour shift or from a very busy day at the hospital. The co-interns and clinical instructors that I have here somehow became an extended family and in a way they made me feel that Silliman and Dumaguete aren’t very far away because I still have them.
Tricia Anne Tiangson, Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology – IV

One thing I’ve learned in Silliman that has been very useful to me in the internship is to always do your best and be confident. Silliman has prepared you or is preparing you for the future.
Pol Eldridge Caluscusan, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy – V

Being many miles away from home with no one to do even the basic chores, I have learned to do things by myself. The many miles put by education between me and my family have proven beneficial to me as I have learned to face each day away from home with much confidence never known to me.
Pol Eldridge Caluscusan, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy – V

I learned that, more than academics, the four years of college I have spent in Silliman is all about finding out who I am, what I am to people around me and how I belong in the bigger world outside of Silliman.
PG Olivier Bulfa, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy – IV

I have learned not to procrastinate, though it was the thing that I used to do. It was very important for me not to procrastinate since it had helped me not only in my academics, but also as a Silliman student. Knowing that you are ready for the upcoming exams since you studied in advance releases the weight from  your shoulder, making you more fit answering any exam them may give you.
Kyle Aaron Sarino, Senior High School, STEAM – Grade 12


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