Saturday, July 27, 2024

“What can you say about organizations having to spend less money on booth-building this coming founders week?”

Compiled by Nectarina Catada

“It’s great. The money can go to other activities that could help the community. You can have a great Founders without an expensive booth.”
Steven Credo, AB Pol Sci III

“It’s better as long as the quality is good. More cash spent doesn’t entirely mean good output. Cutting cost on booth budget can mean more budget for org activities on Founders Week.”
Deniel Magaso, BMC III

“If they will spend less, it would be okay as long as they get resourceful and creative so their booths will get noticed. It’s not about making the most expensive booth.It’s all about having the best strategy in managing the booth.”
Renerio Yuan Jr., BsCE III

“There is no need for a budget limit because if we want to spend more money for our booth, we will. As for our org, we want to spend more money for it because we want to showcase our organization at is best by putting our pride in our booth because it is representing us.”
RainaInez Baldado, Architecture II


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