Saturday, July 27, 2024

“If you missed a university activity, would you rather pay fines or do community service?”

Compiled by Nectarina M. Catada

“I would rather pay fines. Community service is time consuming, entails more effort, tiresome and may be a ground for conflicting schedules. With fines, it’s less hassle, but of course, we cannot deny the fact that it creates a bruise on one’s pocket.” Zevie M. Marquez, BBA MGT III
“Community service, because somehow it would be fair for those who went to the activity. The time that the participating student spent cannot be replaced by money. The student who was absent must pay with time.”                               Darrell Bryan T. Rosales, AB Speech and Theatre III

“Community service would be cool but in 3rd year, we barely have time for that (we barely even have time for sleep). So in my opinion, paying fines would be more convenient if ever we missed any activity but I just hope fines would be half as expensive .” Precious Trinidad, Physical Therapy III
“I’d rather do community service, because I’ve had a negative experience that lead me not to trust the student in charge of the collection of fines. In addition, I don’t even know what they do with it but in community service, I might or can actually see a beneficial outcome. The presence of money is not that necessary too. Furthermore, I would be happy to be a volunteer.” Xiarlson Lloyd Laruya Codoy, BBA Management IV


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