Saturday, July 27, 2024

“What do you think about Silliman’s new enrollment Undertaking/Contract?”

“I think the university has the right to implement the contract but there should have been information dissemination to the students, both new and continuing. Furthermore, a consultation should have been held, where students and parents can express their concerns and questions, to prevent any isunderstandings. Feliciano S. Mahinay, SUMS II

“Inconsiderate, because not everyone can directly comply with the payment scheme. And what makes it worse is that they place penalties if you cannot meet with the terms. They are just adding insult to injury for those who can’t make the payments.” Stefan Daniel S.  Alcantara, BBA-MGT III


“I thinks it’s useless. They should just have informed us last semester that they will be implementing a “fines” system for delayed payments. Anyway, they are going to get the same amount of money in the end, and the students will pay the same amount no matter how they divide it. Although the university sure has its reasons, they could have mentioned it earlier.” Kathlyn Aprielle Gandola, BS MT IV

“The university’s enrollment system has always been a hassle. With the contract, this makes the whole thing more difficult. also 600 pesos is too much for a day overdue. It is absolutely onerous.” Chix Mariño, BS PSYCH IV


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