Saturday, July 27, 2024

“What are your expectations for Hibalag 2016?”

“I am expecting for this year’s 2016 Hibalag Booth Festival to be more successful and the students to follow the new policies that is set by the SUSG-ComSo, with the guidance of SOAD, and OSS. With this, Sillimanians can make our Hibalag run smoothly.”
Steve Karlo B. Canones, Bachelor of Business Administration Major in Management II

“I expect Hibalag 2016 to be cleaner and more enjoyable. I expect that it would have more activities and fun programs in hand. I also expect more artists, bands and entertainment to perform on the stage.”
Kassandra Joyce S. Eguia, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy II

“I’m expecting a little less this year since minors are now tied up to their curfew.”
Roselle Louise V. Loculan, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy II

“I expect that Hibalag 2016 would be more memorable, fun and better than last year’s Hibalag celebration. Last year’s Hibalag was memorable for us freshmen students I hope this year would have more events to be enjoyed not just for Sillimanians but for everybody.”
Jirah Kaye V. Credo, Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy II

Next Issue’s Question:
“Tinatangkilik pa ba ng mga kabataan ang kultura ng ating bansa?”

For your answers, just text the Circulation Manager (09177013806).
Indicate your full name (with middle initial), course and year.


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