Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Is it too late to launch a judiciary branch when it is almost the end of the current SUSG administration’s term?”

Compiled by Lizbeth Mae  B. Andaya




“It might be for the future purposes. The concern is if they people they put into the position are reliable and efficient enough for their task.”

Jai Dev Soledad, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering III


“It might be too late. Soon enough, the administration will have to undergo changes and the sem is almost ending. For now, it might just be a waste of time. Although, it could be written down as  a pointer  for the next administration for a fresh and fair start.”

Casper Sapio, Bachelor of Science in Sociology II



“Yes, it’s too late to launch a judiciary branch because the current administration’s term is almost over and launching a judiciary needs enough time and firmness of the people who will be on that office. It would be better to launch it on the next administration so that the judiciary will be very well managed and regulated.”

Jeb Bacang, Bachelor of Science in Political Science IV




Next Issue’s Question:

“If you will become the SUSG president next school year, what will be the first concern or issue that you will address?”




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