Saturday, July 27, 2024

SUSG heads to members: Prove yourself

By Jelanie Rose T. Elvinia

The president of the Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) has asked for a renewal of contract among SUSG Executive
Committee heads this semester as a proof of commitment to their responsibilities as student-leaders.
“I want the people I actually appoint to say I’m willing to work rather than me sort of imposing or appointing,” said SG president Rona Marie Namocatcat.
After the Founders celebration, the SUSG Legislative Committee on Appointment asked for requirements to be complied by the Executive Committee heads.
Some of the requirements were a qualitative point average of 2.5 and no grade less than 2.0, a recommendation from the dean, a recommendation from the past chairperson of the certain committee and a health certificate. But some heads of the Executive Committee did not comply with the said requirements.
‘Why now?’
Darrel Rosales, Socio-cultural Committee chairperson, said that all he knew to become a chairperson of the Executive Committee
is that the person has to be appointed by the SUSG president. “It’s pointless to require these documents in the middle of the semester because majority of the major events some committees are handling were done,” he said.
Vice-chairperson of the Students Rights and Welfare Committee Val Vestil agreed that the Committee on Appointment should implement it next year.
“We were caught off guard. It’s like one day we were working really hard and then the next day they just slap us with requirements,” he said. Although “disappointed,” Vestil said he agrees with having the requirements as a way “to filter those who are committed and those who are not.”
SG explains
Giselle Ree Belnas, SUSG student assembly speaker of the house, said the requirements were given at the middle of last semester since the set of guidelines was not easy to compose and had to undergo deliberation. She added that requiring the documents is not pointless because they are just following certain protocol and rules set in the constitution.
“I would like to make clear that their obligation in that committee does not stop after their event,” she said.
Belnas also said committees have responsibilities until the second semester. She cited the Miss Silliman Committee saying it still has to help the reigning Miss Silliman fulfill her advocacy.
‘Prove yourself’
Some executive committee heads have submitted the requirements as well as confirmed their commitment to the SUSG. But certain positions in the Info Media Committee are currently vacant after two heads quit due to personal reasons.
For Namocatcat, she said she sees the new administration as a “fresh start.”
“Do something innovative because I want you to prove that you deserve your position,” she added.


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