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Party Chairs remain confident of SUSG candidates’ quality on virtual elections

by Francis Ryan Pabiania | April 19, 2021

Respective party chairperson of Students’ Union for Reforms (SURE) and Concerted Action for the Upliftment of Student Endeavors (CAUSE) parties expressed their confidence in the ‘quality’ of their running standard bearers and representatives after SUSG Elections shifted to online platforms.

“Silliman student leaders would always serve their constituents and would endeavor to alleviate the burdens we all face. Hence, the quality of ‘leader’ does not change regardless of the platform we use,” said Amiel Andrew Arañez of the SURE party.

Considering the first election to be held online, Roela Denisse Rallos of the CAUSE party said that it’s already a ‘challenge in itself’ where both parties would still adjust to the new set-up of campaign and election procedures. 

However, she added that they are still ‘very confident’ that their candidates ‘are well equipped and are very capable to take on the position of student representative forwarding student concerns and fighting for the rights and welfare of our students.’

Arañez, a representative in the assembly, shared that there are student leaders who are still passionate about their advocacies and support SUSG’s pursuit to cater to public welfare. “The SUSG has always been a training ground for student leaders to gain experience,” he said.

Despite the new provisions of the 2021 Election Implementing Rules and Regulations, both parties continue to test new approaches and adjust to the rules set by the SUSG COMELEC for campaigns and elections.

Moreover, they expressed their support and hope for the virtual election to be successful, and where the rights of students to vote will be exercised. 

Rallos added that they will uphold the democracy of students to choose their leaders for the upcoming school year.

“It is an opportunity to assess the type of SUSG we will have in a new administration. In my humble opinion, we should secure all means necessary to reach more students and thereby giving them the opportunity to exercise their right of suffrage and freedom of expression and speech,” Arañez ended.

Virtual room-to-room campaigns started on Monday, April 19. Parties are allowed to host a live stream on their party’s Facebook page or Youtube accounts, however, they must not exceed three hours. A maximum of two live streams is allowed for each party during the period.

“The Miting de Avance will be on April 26, 2021. The day after that is, of course, the Pre-Election Day because the most awaited day, the Election Day is on the 28th of April. So Vote Wisely!” said COMELEC Liaison Officer Aubrey Ayson.

Prior to these, EIIR Section 7, Article IV, stated that all election materials shall be removed by the candidates and political parties by 11:59 P.M. of April 26, 2021.


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