Saturday, July 27, 2024

SU confirms 3 active COVID-19 cases, 13 cases in total

By Ian Zane T. Esparaga | April 10, 2021

Silliman University reported 13 positive cases of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic and 10 of which have already recovered. 

“In total as of the writing of the memo which was sent yesterday (April 8), that would be 13 cases for the university since the beginning of the pandemic,” Silliman University HRD Manager, Atty. Joshua Ablong said.

As of this writing, the university has three active cases confirmed by Atty. Ablong.

“The last memo that we sent although information is coming in because test results are coming in but per our last memorandum sent to our faculty and staff, it was an internal memorandum, we have three active cases.”

Atty. Ablong, who is also part of the university COVID committee led by SU President, Dr. Betty McCann, stated that the number of cases can be changed and there might be additional cases as test results continue to come in. 

Following the reports of positive cases, Ablong assured that the university is following the required health protocols and contact tracing has been done already.

“We are very conscious about protocols, we strictly enforce the protocols and we contact trace so that those who have had exposures would be immediately isolated. In fact, those that have already been documented as having exposures, we already instructed them to isolate and we have submitted their names to the city health and to the rural health units for possible swabbing,” he said.

Silliman University was among the first university to act when the pandemic began last year. It can be recalled that the first reported case of the virus in the country has travel history in Negros Oriental.

“We were among the first to act amongst the school, by February last year we started a memo about COVID, we were the first to say no more class, go home. I have to state that we were amongst the first in the Philippines in fact to say finals are over, go home,” VPAA Dr. Earl Jude Cleope said in an interview to tWS last February.


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