Saturday, July 27, 2024

Assembly OKs resolution to enact No F-Grade Policy

By Francis Ryan Pabiania | January 29, 2021

The Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) Student Assembly in December 2020 adopted a resolution preventing students from acquiring F-grades, which will “boost the morale” of the students without fear of failing the first semester. 

During the 7th session online, Representatives agreed to the proposed resolution requesting the Silliman University Administration through the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) to enact a “NO F-grade Policy” for the first semester of the Academic Year 2020-2021.

The Resolution NO. 007, s. 2020 was authored by Rep. Cedrick Louis Ben Babor of Senior High School, Rep. Wesley Orson Sorronda of the College of Business Administration, Rep. Carlwin Love Dagdag and Rep. Myka Reambonanza of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Resolution’s proponents said that it is an “equitable measure” as the semester is a transition period to cope with the academic demands with the Online Distance Learning set-ups. They said that it will also provide safeguard to “vulnerable students” who may have failing grades because of the lack of resources to stay connected in virtual classes.

Rep. Reambonanza clarified that allowing this resolution is still up to the office of VPAA and heads of respective colleges to decide if it will grant the policy or not.

Photo credit: SUSG Student Assembly Facebook Page

She added that, “compared to other institutions what our resolution primarily called for was only an “F” grade to not be given since it will permanently be reflected in the TOR (Transcript of Records), instead we requested if it is possible that an “INC” [will] be given instead so that special arrangements can be done between the professor and the student.”

Meanwhile, the resolution stated that getting an F-grade “may not yield productive outcomes” considering drastic academic adjustments and students’ limited resources. It added that, “the policy is not equal to leniency but provides an opportunity for students to grow and learn from academic shortcomings, redeem oneself without the harms of academic discrimination.” 

The filing of resolution was immediately noted by the Assembly following the implementation of the ‘no fail policy’ of the University of the Philippines last November 26, 2020.

Two other resolutions were also adopted during the session, it includes resolutions requesting SUSG through the Students’ Rights and Welfare Committee to establish a gender inclusivity fund, and Junior High School’s administration to encourage teachers and instructors to record and upload their synchronous online class discussion through applicable platforms.

As of press time, the office of VPAA is yet to give a full response, and the resolution will be forwarded to the Deans of the different colleges and to the Office of the General Counsel for further consultations. 


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