Saturday, July 27, 2024

No more feasibs and intense research – Admin

By Katrin Anne A. Arcala

SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY VICE President for Academic Affairs (VPAA), Dr. Sexy Joy Tan, confirmed Tuesday that feasibility studies and intense research papers will be relaxed for the semesters to come.
The decision, which created a huge surprise among faculty members and other graduating students, was an upshot of a recently concluded study by psychology majors.
The paper entitled “Exploring the effects of heavy research” proved that feasibility studies and other intense researches have been creating an unhealthy lifestyle for most Sillimanians. Findings confirmed that those who are currently enrolled in research-related subjects have more tendencies to sleep late and skip meals. The lack of nutrients and proper rest consequently contributed to memory loss and shifting focus.
“Silliman University is centered towards the holistic education of every Sillimanian. The lack of time for sleep and meals does not mirror this principle,” Tan said.
Aside from its physical ill effects, the study also discovered a trend among the students. First, coffee consumption has evidently increased. An average of seven out of ten members in a group consume at least a cup of coffee a day to ensure that they will finish their required outputs on time. Second, the use of social networking sites as a live feed diary doubled as well. Posts and tweets (and even photos) of students either complaining on how tired they are or rejoicing how near they are from finishing their work were trending for the months of August to September.
“We are creating a very unhealthy lifestyle for students. I don’t think this is the way to train the next generation leaders,” she added.
The university administration sees the modification as a risk. Faculty from several colleges will meet within the month to review their curriculum and to find other means to substitute researches.

NB: this article is part of the lampoon issue


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