Saturday, July 27, 2024

other news from our photojournalists … Sept 27th

ART OF PASSION TO GENERATION. Challenged by his young assistant Ken, Mark Rothko (played by Bart Guingona) realizes that his achievements might pull his career as a master abstract painter down. An award winning play during the 2010 Tony Awards, Red captures the hearts of Sillimanians at Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium last Sept. 13. PHOTO BY Yuys Fatima Escoreal
ART OF PASSION TO GENERATION. Challenged by his young assistant Ken, Mark Rothko (played by Bart Guingona) realizes that his achievements might pull his career as a master abstract painter down. An award winning play during the 2010 Tony Awards, Red captures the hearts of Sillimanians at Claire Isabel McGill Luce Auditorium last Sept. 13. PHOTO BY Yuys Fatima Escoreal


DON’T PICK ON ME. Speech 11 Section F coached by Prof. Vanessa Gaspay-Nezamloo champs Inter-Class Speech Choir Competition 2013 “Bullying is whack! Get on the right track!” with their piece “Who Are You to Pick On Me?” at the Claire Isabel McGil Luce Auditorium, last Sept. 23. PHOTO BY Dylzaree Recentes
DON’T PICK ON ME. Speech 11 Section F coached by Prof. Vanessa Gaspay-Nezamloo champs Inter-Class Speech Choir Competition 2013 “Bullying is whack! Get on the right track!” with their piece “Who Are You to Pick On Me?” at the Claire Isabel McGil Luce Auditorium, last Sept. 23. PHOTO BY Dylzaree Recentes


DON’T STEP ON ME! Winners of the Extemporaneous Speech Speaking Contest pose after getting their certificates of recognition. L-R Second place, Kimberly Mill T. Flores, sophomore, AB-Pol Sci; the first place, Genin Raya V. Amiscaray, freshman, BBA Mngt and third place; Mary Ann A. Monda,sophomore BSN. PHOTO BY Darrell Bryan Rosales
DON’T STEP ON ME! Winners of the Extemporaneous Speech Speaking Contest pose
after getting their certificates of recognition. L-R Second place, Kimberly Mill T. Flores,
sophomore, AB-Pol Sci; the first place, Genin Raya V. Amiscaray, freshman, BBA Mngt
and third place; Mary Ann A. Monda,sophomore BSN. PHOTO BY Darrell Bryan Rosales


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