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Students from Shikoku Gakuin graduate from SU IntEP

By Shareen Anjali B. Warad | News Writer

Vol. XCIII No. 7

Sept. 27, 2019

Nine students from Shikoku Gakuin University graduated from Silliman University’s (SU) Intensive English Program (IntEP) last Sept. 20 at the Multipurpose Room.

These students are: Hikaru Narita, Saito Akito, Yoshiya Nomihara, Hoshi Takeuchi, Soma Miki, Mihina Manabe, Natsuki Yagi, Kyoka Nakamura, and Daike Takeda.

IntEP is a short term program under the Language Center and the English and Literature department, intended for students who come from non-English medium background who desire to improve their English proficiency.

According to Dr. Warlito Caturay Jr., Language Center coordinator, the program is flexible that it can be tailored to the students’ needs and that most of their courses are skills-based. “For this semester, the Shikoku Gakuin students have more speaking classes: Conversation, Reading and Talking about Culture, and Academic Reading and Writing,” he added.

The students under IntEP also do immersion and cultural exposure activities. Dr. Caturay also mentioned the unique aspect of the program which is the buddy system, which benefits both the foreign students and the buddies who come from SU. Most of these student buddies come from the College of Education, majoring in English and AB English students.

These IntEP students are given diagnostic exams to help the teachers determine their proficiency levels and choose the appropriate materials for them. The program runs for three to eight weeks, but it usually depends on the clients’ specification.

IntEP usually hosts students from Hannam University (Korea), Shikoku Gakuin University (Japan), Kobe University (Japan), and others.


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