Saturday, July 27, 2024

Silliman University Medical School maintains 100% passing rate

By Kristine Ann M. Fernandez

FOR FOUR CONSECUTIVE YEARS years, Silliman University Medical School (SUMS ) retained its 100% passing rate in the Physician Licensure Examination last August.
Ten Sillimanians are among the country’s 1,834 new doctors. They are:

Bomediano, Jenellie Faith T.
Ebol, SahleeBeem P.
Manila, Finlay Anne J.
Maravilla, Rene Raymond V.
Martinez, Ma. Angelica D.A.
Omandam, Jacky Vincent V.
Sumugat, Florea Mae C.
Udtohan, Manuel Dennis L.
Yu, Daryle Jason G.
Zerna, Mary Kristelle R.

“Pressure is always constant. We diffuse it by constant prayers, movies, roller coaster rides and eating sessions. Pressure also pushes us to do well,” said Bomediano when asked about the pressure of being able to maintain the 100% status of SUMS .
The results were announced three working days after Aug. 18, the last examination day. There were 2,211 examinees this year.


  1. The school’s passing rate does not really matter. What matters is the individual rating. It wouldn’t sound too good if the school has a 100% passing rate and the students average at 75%, would it?


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