Saturday, July 27, 2024

SU receives P1.8M for climate resiliency study

SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY (SU) received P1.8 million grant from the Oscar M. Lopez Center for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management Foundation, Inc. (OML Center) to fund an interdisciplinary project on climate resiliency of riverside communities.

The awarding of the grant was held during the fifth anniversary of OML Center late last year in Makati City.

The OML Center, established in 2012, is a foundation which aims to support the generation of science-based solutions to climate-related risks and disasters worldwide.

In line with this, the OML Center provides “Resilience Grants” that are awarded to projects that seek relevant, science-based and demand-driven solutions to help build climate disaster resiliency.

The SU project, headed by adjunct professor at Institute of Environmental and Marine Sciences, Dr. Jorge Emmanuel, aims to develop tools to understanding resiliency and vulnerability of riverside communities.

Along with SU, De La Salle University also received a resilience grant worth P3 million during the ceremony.

However, as of press time, Emmanuel did not disclose the details of the SU projects funded by the said grant.


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