Saturday, July 27, 2024

Architecture org tops SU organizations

United Architects of the Philippines-Student Auxiliary Silliman University (UAPSA-SU) chapter is the top performing organization in the university in the first semester, 2017-2018.

According to the announcement of the SU Student Government Committee on Student Organization (SUSG-ComSO) last Jan. 11, UAPSA-SU gained a total of 768, 985 points last semester.

UAPA-SU president Robert Banse said, “It is the first time to be included in ComSo’s partial list of top 10 organizations.”

“The most significant activity that we had [so far this school year] would be ‘Project 5Cs: Fostering Youth Nationalism Through Arts’ because it is targeted towards our chosen community and it advocates for a positive impact to our community,” Banse said.

The project aims to develop a sense of nationalism towards the youth, using arts as a tool, he added.

UAPSA’s activities and events this year also involve students outside their college, such as “Banyuhay: Correlating Cities with the Environment,” a lecture they co-organized with SUSG Environment Committee last November.

Banse shared that they are determined to maintain their current standing by pushing for more activities and events that can make a positive social impact on the university and community.

List of Top 10 Organization in the First Semester, 2017-2018:

  1. United Architects of the Philippines-Student Auxiliary
  2. Silliman University Medical Students’ Association
  3. Herodotus Society
  4. Silliman Junior Business Executives
  5. Silliman University Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants
  6. Siquijorian Students for Enrichment, Enlightenment, Development and Service of Silliman University / SEEDS
  7. Silliman University Nutrition and Dietetics Society
  8. Beta Epsilon
  9. Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers
  10. Mona Lisa Society

Organizations in Silliman University gain points by participating and conducting socially relevant events in accordance to the guidelines set by SUSG-ComSo. An awarding of the top ten organizations is done annually during SU’s Founders Week celebration.


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