Saturday, July 27, 2024

4 MassCom alumni present Balik-Talent lectures for CMC Golden Jubilee

IN CELEBRATION OF the Golden Jubilee of the Silliman University (SU) College of Mass Communication, four successful and distinguished alumni from the college were invited to speak in the Balik-Talent lectures last Aug. 24 at the Audio Visual Theater 1.

The speakers of the event were Agnes Tan-Taliman, a former communication officer in the United Nations Development Program, Andrea Trinidad-Echavez, communications specialist USAID-COMPETE, Marissa Ngan-Dames, COO & President of DTC Promos Inc., and Ed Dames, a former events and sports marketing director in Leo Burnett Manila and Chairman & CEO of DTC Promos Inc.

Agnes Tan-Aliman discussed about Corporate Communications and recalled about her college life. She noted that their influences during their time were accuracy and fact-checking. “We were in the age of rock but we taught we were rockers, ” said Tan-Aliman.

Aliman recalled an advice from her former news editing professor, the late Mr. Fontillera “show no mercy in editing.” She said that writers should not feel bad and not hesitate about revising their article multiple times. “I’d rather be caught dead than be caught ungrammatical,” she said.

According to her, a journalist should have a fair sense of the issues going on. “It doesn’t matter if you are in team Duterte, a yellow team or a red team… the important thing is you get to the truth,” she reminded the audience.

Aliman also mentioned that writers are oftentimes caught between deadlines and sometimes due to this; the quality of the paper suffers.  But she emphasized that journalists should make sure that the quality of the article must be achieved.

Meanwhile, Andrea Trinidad-Echavez discussed about the groups supporting hemophilia in the Philippines. She said that through public relations, she was able to reach a wide range of audience who can help people with bleeding illness. Although the battle to inform the masses about hemophilia will be difficult, Echavez said that “keep your dreams alive…remember all things are possible if you believe.”

Marissa Ngan-Dames, COO & president of DTC Promos Inc. discussed about the importance of determination in business. Mrs. Dames said that the first business she had was selling dried fish or bulad. Now, the once bulad seller is the owner of one of the best advertising companies in the country.

Mrs. Dames advised, “go over your dreams with a passion…always keep that fire in your belly going, and do business with a purpose.”

The chairman and CEO of DTC Promos, Inc., Ed Dames, gave 5 tips for success: find something you’re passionate about, focus your energy on being the best at what you do, get a mentor, keep evolving and pass the knowledge on.  “Be the best of what you can do,” Dames added.

This event was brought by Silliman University College of Mass Communication in cooperation with Sillimanians in Metro Manila (SIMM).

The College of Mass Communication is celebrating their 50thGolden Jubilee with the theme, “How to Stay Relevant in the Digital Age.”


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