Saturday, July 27, 2024

No minors after 10 p.m.; Admin revises Hibalag curfew rules

The Silliman University (SU) administration has revised the curfew policy for minors during the Hibalag Booth Festival which was recently implemented by the Commission on Student Organizations (ComSO).

As per the revised policy, notarized waivers will no longer be needed as all minors will not be allowed in the Hibalag area after 10 p.m., in accordance with City Ordinance no. 115.

According to ComSO chairperson Cecil Anne Sung, the university has removed all its liability from the conditions in the previous memorandum stating that the event is not an official school function. The ordinance does not cover some situations including minors coming from official school functions.

“The primary concern of the university is the liability that will fall into SU if a waiver is signed…because for the university, [Hibalag] is not an official school function since it’s not exclusive to Sillimanians; it’s for the whole community,” Sung said.

Sung added that the university has even asked the mayor to exempt SU students from the minors’ curfew during Hibalag, but the request was rejected by the mayor stating that the law is the law.

“So with that, the university has decided that all minors are not allowed after 10 p.m. unless they have a legal guardian or parent with them,” Sung said.

According to Sung, dorm advisers are considered the guardians of minors who are staying in dorms, so the minors can stay after 10 p.m. as long as their guardian is around the booth area.

As for sanctions, the university is not liable if minors do not follow the ordinance because it has done its part in disseminating the information according to Sung.

Based on the ordinance, police will list the names and warn minors who will be caught. After repeated offenses of the minors, their parents will be charged for their negligence.

Sung said that they have decided to implement the policy this year in line with the city ordinance and President Rodrigo Duterte’s nationwide curfew for minors.

“Apparently, [the city ordinance] has been overlooked in previous years…although Duterte’s curfew was issued a temporary restraining order, it’s still a city ordinance so [the admin] wants to push through with it,” Sung said.

Sung added that the city police is implementing the curfew strictly with more minors recently caught.

“I do believe that [the city police] will strengthen the implementation because they know there will be many minors during Hibalag,” Sung said.

SU is advising minors to leave the campus before 10 p.m. so they can reach home before the city curfew bell rings.

*with notes from the


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