Saturday, July 27, 2024

Student leaders call for repealing of new cheerdance tilt rules

PYRAMIDS UP TO three tiers and stunts, except tossing and somersaults, are now allowed during the cheerdance competition after student leaders appealed to the Silliman University (SU) administration to repeal the memorandum prohibiting lifts and tosses.

Gil Buenavista, SU student government president, said that they appealed to the administration because the new memorandum caused colleges to back out leaving the competition with no participants.

According to Carlos Ng II, head of the cheerdance team of the College of Business Administration, with the memorandum disallowing lifts and stunts, the contest would only be a pep squad instead of a cheerdance competition.

However, Dr. Walden Ursos, administrative medical officer, said that the administration only wants to modify the rules and guidelines due to the recorded injuries last year, but they are not stopping the competition.

Mark Raygan Garcia, director of the Office of Information and Publication, said that the university’s primary concern is to ensure the safety and welfare of its students, and to ask for collective understanding on their firm decision against dangerous stunts.

“Every year, SU cautions the student government against stunts during cheerleading competition that may result to serious spinal and head injuries that could cause paralysis, or worse: death,” Garcia said.

Dr. Ursos stated that they are only concerned because not all groups have complete protective measures.

Buenavista, on the other hand, explained that they are connected with the National Cheerleading Championship (NCC) organizers and the members of the Philippine Cheerleading Alliance.

“We submitted the guidelines to the NCC. They conduct evaluation and surprise inspections during practices to ensure that there are medics present and that the area itself is safe,” Buenavista said.

Both Dr. Ursos and Dean of Students Dr. Edna Calingacion agree that other guidelines may continue, but tossing should be removed.

Because of this ruling, the cheering committee will not be awarding a best flyer award this year.

The cheerdance competition will be on Aug. 25 at the Macias Sports Complex.


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