Saturday, July 27, 2024

Poor people more prone to traffcking – lawyer

By Suzmita Villegas

HUMAN TRAFFICKING VICTIMS must defend themselves and cooperate with authorities if they seek for justice, an anti-human traffcking law expert said in a forum last Feb. 12.

Atty. Edric Torremocha, a graduate of Silliman University College of Law, said that parents or relatives sell their children in exchange for a small amount of money. The use of deceit and false promises is said to be the leading cause why some people are victimized by Human traffcking. People from the barrios where low literacy is evident are most likely to be lured into this crime.

“People who are poor normally accept money no matter what the consequences are,” he said.

Human Trafficking, where a person or group of people (most commonly women) is transported or recruited (either with consent or by force) to other places or countries for the purpose of exploitation or organ selling, is a crime continuously existing within the borders of our country.

R.A 9208 states the different penalties that people involved in the crime might face. The greatest extent of punishment gives life imprisonment and a fine of P2-5 Million.

Five years after the law was enacted, there have only been 11 convictions that reached to the Regional Trial Court (RTC) level. Students can also take part in capturing the criminal minds by reporting their justified knowledge to the authorities.


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