Saturday, July 27, 2024

Research is beautiful, says Malayang at research conference

by Christian Renz M. Torres and Paulynne Joyce R. dela Cruz

“Society must be a habitat of knowledge,” said Ben Malayang III, the president of Silliman University (SU) and keynote speaker during the University Graduate Programs (UGP) Multidisciplinary Research Conference last March 1 at the Audio Visual Theater 1 (AVT 1).

Malayang pointed out the “Four E’s of Knowledge” prioritized by the UGP: enigma, enterprise, ethics, and aesthetics. He also mentioned the equal importance of the arts and sciences as integral bodies of knowledge.

“When we [as a people] talk about the graduate program, we always talk about STEM: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. But what if knowledge is an experience? What about knowledge that increases our consciousness as human beings?” said Malayang.

According to Malayang, research is “among the loneliest things to do.” He said he wanted to create a community that celebrates knowledge with the UGP.

“The aesthetics of knowledge is feeling beautiful; excited of having data and not knowing what to do with it,” said Malayang.

He likened research to a massage: “masakit na beautiful masakit.

The conference opened at the AVT 1 in the Multimedia Center whereas the final papers were presented at the World Bank Center and the American Studies Resource Center in the Main Library, as well as the AVT 1.

The final list of paper presenters were Dary S. Kep; Arturo O. Macias, MAMT; Rhea Rheem Muarip; Gereo Alviola Patrimonio, MIS; Andriani Rafael; Jaruvic Clavano Rafols, Ed.D., RGC, RPm; Craig N. Refugio, Ph.D.; and Anggreini D.N. Rupidara.

One of the researches or dissertations that was presented during the conference was titled “Profile, Adversity, Quotient ®, And Multifactor Leadership Characteristics of Student Affairs and Services Administrators: Towards a Leadership Management Training Design” by Guidance and Testing Division Head Jaruvic Rafols.

The thesis aims to investigate the relationship between Student Affairs and Services administrators’ selected demographic profile in terms of age, sex, civil status, socio-economic status, educational attainment, and years of work experience and their Adversity Quotient ® profile overall results in terms of the following core dimensions: control, ownership, reach and endurance.

According to Rafols, the role of research is very important because it leads to new approaches and strategies on programs that might be developed based on findings and investigations.

“This kind of forums and seminars give them [graduate students] inspiration and also sort of guidance that research after all is not something to be dreaded, that you’ll afraid to do. But with proper guidance with people in authority to give this kind of information, it will somehow help them to really embrace the beauty of research,” he added.

He also encouraged people, especially the undergraduate students, to not settle on the undergraduate courses. He said that in reality, the higher the educational attainment, the more credible the person will be.

“And in terms of employment, you’re more advantageous because you have further knowledge compared to those who got only tertiary level of education,” he said.





















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