Saturday, July 27, 2024

Graduate students lecture on learning development

The Graduate Students Organization of Silliman University held a lecture series last Nov. 9 at the Silliman University Library American Studies Resource Center with the theme “Borderless Library: Embracing Diversity of Knowledge and Perspectives in the ASEAN.”

The lecturers were part of the Silliman University Library Learning Resource Exposition or LRex-Silliman. The event highlights traditional and modern learning resources that interface language, music, and the arts.

On comic books and graphic novels

Steven Joseph Credo, Master of Arts in English, talked about “Comic Books and Graphic Novels: How they will become an effective tool in teaching orals in today’s society.”

“For me, the morals that we could give to our children or anyone regardless of age are hope, search for the truth, and life,” he said.

Credo said that the comic book superhero, “Superman,” is a symbol of hope because of how people look for and are inspired by Superman.

“[For example], during the Martial Law, we needed to search for the truth. Because if we do not search for the truth, we would never rest, because sometimes understanding graphic novels will be, of course, the search for the truth,” Credo said.

Active citizenship and developments

Meanwhile, John Lumapay, also taking Master of Arts in Psychology, mentioned four types of development in her lecture entitled “Active Citizenship.”

“First is economic development. This focuses on business and international trade, and often, the infrastructures needed are transportation [and] communications,” Lumapay said.

Lumapay also said that the second development is human development, which focuses on how people can live long and healthy lives, have access to resources, and be able to participate in the community.

Participatory development, the third one, is “focused on enabling people to identify their own problems and develop solution,” said Lumapay.

The last is sustainable development, and according to Lumapay, it focuses on meeting the people’s needs today and what the future generation needs. She also said that this requires all the three developments mentioned.

Other lecturers were  Reichi Gideob Pudno Pableo who is taking Master of Arts in Psychology, Anggreini D.N. Rupidara taking Ph.D. in Marine Biology, and Jerrydith Alpuerto, taking Master of Arts in Sociology.

By Ray Chen S. Bahinting



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