Saturday, July 27, 2024

CAUSE bets run unopposed

By Jan Andrei Elizalde | May 9, 2024

Majority of the candidates from the Concerted Actions for the Upliftment of Student Endeavors (CAUSE) Party are running unopposed in the 2024 Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) Elections.

As stipulated in Art. VIII, Sec. 4 of the SUSG Constitution, presidential aspirant Sabrina Ysabelle Ledesma and vice-presidential aspirant Luke Timothy Burbano will need only 50 percent plus one of the total votes to win.

College representative candidates, excluding the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) and College of Education (COE), are also running unopposed and will require one vote to win a seat in next year’s Student Assembly.

Meanwhile, election rules remain for CAS and COE since one and two independent candidates are running for both colleges, respectively. No candidacies were filed in the Divinity School and Graduate School.

The SUSG Elections will take place this May 15.

Ledesma, Burbano address lack of candidates

Both candidates agreed that the lack of candidates in this year’s elections resulted from student apathy.

“There were so many students who [wanted] to take that opportunity and have that chance to really lead the student body. And now, there aren’t really [many] students who are doing that,” Ledesma said.

She also said their plan to prevent this issue from happening in the next elections is to focus on creating avenues.

“We want to empower them not just through events and whatnot, but through really giving students a cause and letting them know that they have a voice — that they can really take up space,” Ledesma said.

Moreover, Burbano said that their platforms for the next school year aim to help students find their passion for leadership.

“We want to help them find that drive, to really see themselves as someone that can bring change in this university,” he said.

SURE skips election 2024

According to SURE Party Chairperson Joshua Miguel Amante, they are “reflecting on the direction of the party,” particularly its role in SU’s socio-political and academic environment.

“We want to be a party that brings about real change in the student government, the [university,] and the wider community. As to how we will reconfigure the party to achieve those goals is part of the reflection process,” he said.

SURE Party released an official statement on April 30, addressing the reasons for their non-registration.

The party acknowledged their absence would “result in people feeling that we are abandoning our posts as watchdogs.”

“Democracy thrives when we transcend party lines and prioritize the common good over personal incentives. It prospers when we actively engage in shaping the future of our community and elected officials and representatives accountable,” the statement read.

Also, SURE Party’s former presidential bet, Alexandra Kaye Tuale, released a public statement saying despite SURE’s absence, “the fire still burns for my party mates and our supporters — because the SUSG may be a pronounced avenue for service, but it is not the only one.”

SURE Party also said their supposed candidates were told to run individually as an alternative plan.


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