Saturday, July 27, 2024

Rain or shine: SU kicks off intramurals ‘24

By Kean Andrei Bagaipo | February 25, 2024

All roads led to Silliman University (SU) as the Intramural Games 2024 officially commenced today, Feb. 25, at the Cimafranca Ballfield amid the drizzling weather. 

Thousands of students gathered to witness the opening program after a fellowship service at SU Church and a foot parade of athletes from various departments. 

In her inspirational message, University President Dr. Betty Cernol-McCann underscored the significance of students engaging in healthy and fair competition.  

“Learning to compete in a fair and respectful manner teaches the students valuable lessons about winning graciously and handling defeat with dignity,” McCann said.

She added that the values of perseverance, determination, resilience, and sportsmanship will shape the students to become “well-grounded individuals,” which is in line with SU’s whole person education. 

The crowd’s roar only grew louder as various departments raised their flags and banners, igniting the start of the annual university-wide sports competition. 

Meanwhile, Jacob Fontelo, SU Student Government (SUSG) Sports and Recreation Committee Chairperson, led the oath of amateurism.

The buzz was further heard as the event was graced by Liam Diago, a national frisbee athlete from SU, who lit this year’s symbolic torch. 

Diago is a member of Binata Ultimate, an ultimate frisbee team which competed in the Asia Oceanic Ultimate and Guts Championships last September 2023.

University Athletics Director Asst. Prof. Dionesio Piñero then launched the event, welcoming students, sports officials, and other distinguished guests. 

Moreover, colleges cheered for their respective candidates in the Mr. and Ms. Intramurals 2024 Finals Night held in the evening. 

On changing mechanisms this year

According to the athletics department, this year’s ballgame schedules were scheduled earlier to “keep the athletes safe from over exhaustion.”

“They’re [no longer] expecting to play two times a day, so they will be expecting one game at a time. For each day, they’re going to expect and experience a long rest,” Piñero said.

In terms of venues, some games will be held off campus such as the Lamberto Macias Sports Complex for ballgame championships and the dancesport competition, the Riverside Courts for badminton, and the Perdices Coliseum for athletics. 

“Since this is now the second year of the face-to-face intramurals, the energy and the motivation of our students are really high. They are very intense because of the excitement that they are going to showcase their athletic skills in the sports that they are going to participate in,” Piñero said. 

Beyond the rivalry among competing departments, he further encouraged the students to promote sportsmanship and holistic development. 

“Win friends and fellowship with one another to create camaraderie, to create an atmosphere of brotherhood and sisterhood,” he said. 

The Intramural games will continue until Mar. 2


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