Saturday, July 27, 2024

SU to establish micro-credentialing network

By Jan Andrei Elizalde | February 16, 2024

During a micro-credentialing seminar last Feb. 8 held at the Silliman University (SU) Dr. Mariano C. Lao Global Studies Center (GSC), Director Dr. Dave Marcial shared the university’s plans in establishing a micro-credentialing network.

The initiative to establish a micro-credentialing network in the university includes developing an online information system devoted to micro-credentialing.

Pilot programs that grant badges and credentials to participants will be launched in the upcoming year.

The initiative’s specific goal is to award grants to faculty scholars enrolled in programs that “upskill, reskill, and retool” in preparation for an Master of Arts (MA) degree. The MA in Education in Educational Technology program is one of the pilot courses for micro-credentials.

“We want to provide quality education so that our students will be ready [for] the workforce,” Dr. Marcial said. 

To achieve the goal, SU plans to initiate a memorandum of understanding for institutions willing to join the network later this year.

GSC will also conduct a seminar workshop on “Incorporating Equivalency Strategies in the Syllabus,” focusing on capacity building and policy development for micro-credentialing and promoting student enrollment in stackable courses.

The event also highlighted the forming of networks, production of publications pertaining to micro-credentialing, and a comprehensive book of policies and guidelines. These materials will be available for replication, revision, and implementation by member institutions based on their distinct approaches.

(Via Silliman University Office of Informations and Publications)


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