Saturday, July 27, 2024

SU intrams will commence as scheduled

By Allianah Junnice Bolotaulo | Febrauary 8, 2024

The university intramurals will push through as scheduled on Feb. 25 to March 4 after the deans conference denied a request for activities’ postponement.

The decision was a response to the Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) and the League of Governors’ request to reschedule the intramurals to March 13 to 18 due to the schedule being too close, lack of preparation, and budgeting concerns such as the collection of council fees. 

However, the SU administration disapproved the request due to health considerations; venue reservations; finalized class activity plans by the faculty members; and the observance of the University Christian Life Emphasis Month. 

Additionally, the SUSG’s proposed new date coincided with the accreditation visit for eight university programs, confirmed Dr. Earl Jude Paul Cleope, Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA).

Dr. Cleope said that they ensured that the intramurals would “not be in conflict” with other university activities when they made the school calendar. 

“Unless there are compelling reasons to postpone it, which the deans thought there [were] none, so, we go as is,” he said. 

Late request

Dr. Cleope said he received the official letter requesting to reschedule the intramurals from SUSG President Enrica Dinopol on Jan. 22.

However, changing the school calendar requires approval from the Commission of Higher Education before implementing it in the curriculum.

“If this would’ve been done early on when we were deliberating on the calendar, it would not have been a problem,” he said

Dr. Cleope also mentioned that SUSG waited for one semester to pass before submitting the request.

“It’s really the timing. In other words, preparations,” he said.

However, SUSG Vice President  Timothy Libres, said that the reason they were not able to consult with the planning of the school calendar was that they did not receive any form of communication from the administration regarding the matter. He added thatthey were also planning and preparing for the Hibalag Booth Festival. 

Health considerations 

Asst. Prof. Dionesio Piñero, SU Athletic Director, said that the El Niño phenomenon is a “very important matter” that needs to be addressed.

“This is the height where the students are prone to exposure under the heat of the sun [which can cause] dehydration,” he said. 

Piñero added that in the past intramural games, many students were admitted due to dehydration. 

Cheerdance deferment

After the decision to push through with the intrams original dates, the deans voted on postponing the Silliman All-University Cheerdance Competition (SAUCC) to have enough time to prepare.  

“I wrote this on the proposal on cheerdance: the Deans Conference is not against cheer dance, but it defers the holding of it in this year’s 2024 intramurals as this requires intensive, intricate, and serious practice,” Dr. Cleope said. 

He also said that the athletics director was requested to make a safe and well-prepared cheerdance activity plan, thus the need for more time. 

SAUCC was also deferred last school year due to COVID-19 restrictions and risk-prone activity



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