Saturday, July 27, 2024

UCLEM opens with call to start ‘taking risks’

By Genno Gabriel Rabaya | November 8, 2023

“We must take the risk to start all over again. Taking risks is the only way we grow, not only in business but in our personal and spiritual life,” said Rev. Jonathan Pia, Silliman University (SU) Church Senior Minister. 

Rev. Pia led the opening of the semester’s University Christian Life Emphasis Month (UCLEM) on Nov. 5 at the SU Church. 

In his sermon titled “The More I Understand, The Less I Know,” Rev. Pia shared the Gospel’s message of a man named Nicodemus thinking he understood God but pointed out by Jesus how a man like him knew little. 

“At the level of faith, his vision is blurred. He cannot see things as they are in the eyes of God,” he said. 

Rev. Pia explained that Nicodemus asked Jesus’ help in understanding the mysterious kingdom Jesus had been preaching about, stating that he lacked wisdom and sought enlightenment.

To the reverend, faith and risk are inseparable, adding that only stepping out of one’s comfort zone should experience God’s reign in the heart. 

“Like Nicodemus, we want to know what we can do to enter the kingdom of God,” he told the audience. “Is there a technique that produces the best results?”

Rev. Pia then said there is no technique for “entering the Kingdom of God,” but rather an effort from a person to “rebirth” themselves. 

The reverend further emphasized the importance of one’s dedication saying, “No one can be part of the kingdom of God unless one is ready for commitment.”

The UCLEM launching included a communion and commissioning mass. SU President Dr. Betty McCann, college deans, and department heads also gathered for the event.

Speakers, facilitators, bible study leaders, faith coordinators, and volunteers were also commissioned in their service for the UCLEM activities.

This semester’s UCLEM is centered on the theme, “Embracing God’s G.I.F.T. (Great, Incredible Favor Today).”


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