Saturday, July 27, 2024

Masscom holds first Mr. and Ms. Pageant

by Stefan R. Saldon | April 16, 2023

College of Mass Communication (CMC) carried out its first-ever Mr. and Ms. pageant to select their representatives for Mr. Hibalag and Miss Silliman, respectively.

Before its two-year hiatus from said pageants, CMC selected its delegates through appointment, said Sophia Angelique Garzon, co-chairperson of Mr. and Ms. Masscom.

Moreover, Ms. MassCom 2023 winner Tyrashelvy Villamil said that choosing a representative in CMC through a pageant allows a “fair selection” of representatives.

“This is a contrast to just assigning the role to one person while there are many aspiring candidates wanting to compete for the opportunity,” Villamil said.

Plans to establish an official committee for Mr. and Ms. Masscom are also set in motion as an addition to all existing Kapunungan sa mga Mass Communicators committees, according to CMC governor Garzon.

She said that a “sustainable” search will eventually be achieved once the committee becomes an integral part of the council since organizers can better prepare for upcoming events.

The pageant is an opportunity to encourage action towards positive change, said Stephen Tiu, co-chairperson of Mr. and Ms. Masscom.

“It’s also nice if they will support our candidate’s advocacy,” He added.

He said Mr. and Ms. Masscom is also a platform for maskomistas to express their advocacies.

Mr. and Ms. Masscom winners, Genno Gabriel Rabaya and Villamil advocated for women and queer safety, and children’s welfare. 


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