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SUSG Judiciary bares plans, calls for earlier appointments

by Shay Du | February 4, 2023

The judiciary branch of the Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) planned to strengthen internal operations now that this year’s set of student justices has been appointed.

The writing of a set of Rules of Court (ROC), the improvement of prescribed forms for filing cases, and the creation of a legacy archive of documents are among the priorities of this year’s judiciary.

Prime Justice Hon. Earl Guen Padayao initially wanted appointments to be finalized earlier in the year to give the judiciary more time to work on these plans.

This was also an effort to reform the practice of appointing justices only leading up to the SUSG elections. 

While the appointment process began around October last year, appointments ended up being released on Jan. 23.

The preoccupation of other SUSG branches with “equally important matters” and the delayed release of certifications from certain colleges contributed to the months-long wait.

With this year’s list of student justices now publicized, Hon. Padayao still encourages future appointments to be processed as early as August or September every school year.

“There are so many things to do,” Hon. Padayao explained. “And that’s the reason why the SG judiciary is in the margins of our student bureaucracy: because the justices are appointed quite late. [As a result,] they can’t do so much.”

This year’s set of justices still hopes to implement improvements to the judiciary’s internal operations throughout the remainder of their term.

Hon. Padayao’s chief concern is the need to write the judiciary’s ROC. 

“The SUSG itself is designed [to have a] framework similar to our national government,” Padayao explained. “That would necessarily call for specific rules insofar as the judiciary is concerned.”

The Prime Justice, specifically, represents the student body as a member of the University Disciplinary Board (UDB), which hears cases related to violations of the student handbook.

As the only student representative in the highest disciplining body of the school, Hon. Padayao said, “Fielding out a prime justice there who can advocate for the students, who can articulate our perspective, and who can articulate the SUSG’s vision insofar as the case is concerned is very important.”

Currently, the judiciary is in the process of training its new justices on the SUSG’s existing laws, especially in preparation for the student elections later in the semester.

Joining Hon. Padayao in this year’s judiciary are Hon. Emilia Aurea, Hon. Raphaela Garcia, Hon. Cozc R. Lames, Hon. Bryan Hubert R. Florendo, Hon. Divina Tubat, and Hon. Nuriel Muhammad.


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