Saturday, July 27, 2024

SU Students Wear Blue for National Mental Health Week

by Nina Isabelle J. Alolod | October 20, 2022

Several Silliman University students wore blue in commemoration of National Mental Health Week last Oct. 11, following a social media post from the Silliman University Psychology Society (SUPS) encouraging students to do so.

The theme of this month’s National Mental Health Week was based on the World Health Organization’s theme, “Make mental health and well-being for all a global priority.” 

SUPS President, Lesley Pa-alan, emphasized that prioritizing mental health is crucial to Sillimians since, “If we are not mentally doing well…it can affect how we function as an individual which can affect how we perform as students. ”

“Despite mental health slowly being normalized in today’s time, there is still so much more that people do not know and understand yet,” Pa-alan added.

She said that it is through this annual celebration where mental health professionals and advocates are given the opportunity and platform to educate others on the various topics under mental health.

SUPS Internal Vice President Frances Acas added that unity in this event is important to “show people that they are not alone and they are heard and validated.”  

“While Silliman University is home to the smartest individuals, greatest performers and fittest athletes, it is of utmost priority to pair these skills with good mental health. Afterall, a sound mental health results to the best worthwhile performances.” Acas ended.

National Mental Health Week occurs every second week of October as mandated by Proclamation No. 452, signed by former President Fidel V. Ramos on Aug. 25, 1994.


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