Saturday, July 27, 2024

SUSHS commemorates 5th Honors Day Convocation

by Stefan Saldon | October 18, 2022

         Silliman University Senior High School (SUSHS) commemorated its fifth Honors Day Convocation with 213 honor students, more than a quarter of an increase from last year’s 136. 

         SUSHS recognized seven students with Highest Honors, 205 with High Honors, and one with Honors. 

         The increase in grade 11 honor students was during the online mode of learning in the school year 2021-2022. The school year before that was also held online.

With a total of 749 students who completed the second semester, around 28 percent of the batch was recognized with academic excellence.

         Courtesy to the records from the SHS Office, Science Technology Engineering, Agriculture, and Mathematics (STEAM) students dominated the honor list. The majority of the SHS student population also falls under STEAM.

         Guest speaker, Leanna Bautista, told the students to reflect on the idea of what they have accomplished so far through the following questions: “Where am I now?”, ”What’s next?”, and, “How do I get there?”

         “If you know where you are, what’s next, and how you get there, you’ll look up one day and you’re already there,” Bautista said.

         Bautista is a SUSHS graduate who served the student body during her time. She is also an alumna of the University of Santo Tomas, with whom is an executive board member of UST Chemical Engineering Society, earning her degree in BS chemical engineering as summa cum laude last June 7.

         Ian Chester Espellogo, who was awarded with Highest Honors, also gave a speech during the ceremony. 

         “It is still a long way. Who knows, there might be further transitions or transformations that we need to go through.” Espellogo said as he highlighted the idea of change in his talk. 

         He ended, “But as we gear up for these changes, may we all be reminded of our constants who continue to journey with us into discovering and establishing ourselves as Sillimanians.”

         The fifth Honors Day Convocation was held in the Claire Isabel Mcgill Luce Auditorium on Oct. 12.


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