Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sillimanians place in world cup

By Jelanie Rose T. Elvinia

THREE FRESHMEN FROM Silliman University (SU) bagged slots at the Indoor World Archery Cup in Singapore last Dec. 6.

Cyra Hillditch from the College of Arts and Sciences, Marie Crizabelle Merto and Schenitte Mharie Tingas filled the 4th, 5th and 9th slots respectively. Hillditch joined the Youth Cup category. Merto and Tingas competed for the World Cup division and bested 32 other archers.

There were two divisions for the said tournament held at ITE College East: World Cup stage one and Youth Cup (with three divisions: A for aged 14 -16; B for 12 – 14; and C for 10 – 12.

“We are happy because we were able to place although it’s our first time to join the competition and also we were able to give the veterans a good game,” Merto said. She is also a national player for archery. Her father, Crisaldo Merto, is their coach for the women’s archery team.

The three said that they had a great time during the competition and they are happy about the results. They went to strict daily practices shooting a hundred up to 200 arrows a day. Eating banana had also been part of their routine to add up potassium.

Silliman was supposed to provide an allowance for the three but due to the typhoon Pablo’s visit, financial support was not given to them.

Other countries who joined the said event were France, Australia, South Africa, India, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, Kahazakstan, Singapore, Sri Langka and US.


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