Saturday, July 27, 2024

SUFA disagrees with combining learning modalities

by Joellie Badon | December 9, 2021

“SUFA does not agree on combining different [learning] modalities,” affirmed Asst. Prof. Jonathan Mark Te, President of the Silliman University Faculty Association (SUFA), in a written statement regarding blended learning via email response to the Weekly Sillimanian last December 5.

SUFA indicated in their Facebook post that a limited face-to-face class (F2F) should not be combined with a purely online class. 

Blended learning is a mode of delivery wherein face-to-face classes and online distance learning are combined. 

Te also explained that the teacher would not properly deal with two different modalities if combined in one class or section.

He also expressed his viewpoint as the faculty union president on the question regarding preparations for limited F2F classes: “From my end, as faculty union president, we ensure that the teachers are not, in any way, placed in a compromised situation regarding the university’s decision to have limited face-to-face classes or continue with online distance learning, hence the post that you might have seen on the SUFA FB page. As of now, there has been no official statement [that I know of] from the university on whether we are going back to limited face-to-face. I have operated on the notion that it would still be purely online next semester, and I personally have made preparations on such.”

Regarding this matter, Te also shared that the deans and chairs have asked their respective units whether they have classes that will be offered on a limited F2F setup.

“I do not think that there’s much of a challenge in terms of the delivery of the subject. Maybe the teachers will need to adjust to the possibility that classes will be conducted with face masks on [which makes it] difficult to have the voice heard,” said Te on the teachers’ challenges since the university is currently using the online distance learning method.

According to Te, how the teachers are preparing is not something he can answer on behalf of everyone. Still, he would rather be more concerned that the university has made the proper preparations considering what the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) might impose for limited F2F classes.


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