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SOAD, SHRD ready for students in limited F2F classes

by Karylle Panorel | November 11, 2021

The Student Organizations and Activities Division (SOAD) and the SUSG Dorm Life Committee, in collaboration with the Student Housing and Residence Division (SHRD), have discussed their readiness for students should face-to-face classes resume.

“SOAD has always been ready for F2F activities,” said SOAD Head Abe Cadeliña when questioned about the University’s readiness if limited face-to-face operations push through. He also disclosed that the processes applied before the implementation of Online Distance Learning (ODL) would be followed when physical classes resume. 

“The changes that we made for the ODL modality, which is the processing of activity permits online, might still continue though.  Virtually approving permits has saved us a lot of papers, so it is worth continuing. But of course, there will be modifications to make the system even better,” Cadeliña added.

When asked about the planned activities for students if F2F classes for all courses are reinstated, Sir Cadeliña said that the same annual activities will continue. This includes the Organization Summit, Hibalag, 11 Days of Sharing, Organizational Development, Human relations training for student leaders, and other needs-based activities.

“We had always been proud of our student organizations engaging with the community. Sadly, this had to stop due to the pandemic. So, once we are given the green light to engage, then we have to reignite the passion of our student organizations,” Sir Cadeliña expressed. 

In regulating student and organization-related activities, SOAD will be implementing the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) guidelines. The university will also have its own set of protocols that will have to be strictly observed. “The basic consideration is: our students’ health and security should be prioritized at all costs. Therefore, our guidelines will be primarily rooted in that,” said Cadeliña.

Meanwhile, the SUSG Dorm Life Committee Chairpersons revealed that if F2F classes begin, significant adjustments to the students’ housing and residency system will be made. The “first-come, first-served” approach will be maintained, but only college students will be permitted to reside in the dorms. Senior high school students will not be permitted to stay on campus. Additionally, dorms will be permitted to accommodate only half their usual capacity. 

Currently, Edith Carson Hall and Pulido Hall are the only functioning dormitories with allied-health students as their residents. The SHRD has not yet issued any clear plans or recommendations for other courses. However, the committee assumes that the guidelines announced in March 2020 would be followed unless an updated one is implemented. If these dorms reach their allowed capacity, more will be reopened. 

The committee also reported there are appointed qualified managers who oversee the affairs of the student housing. “Within the dorms, especially with the majority of our students being health allied and going to hospital duty, we make sure that they follow the specific protocols such as proper handwashing, limited interactions, proper personal protective equipment [use], and social distancing to prevent the spread and transmission of anything since they are coming from hospitals and places of high risk,” chairpersons Catherine Jong and Kayla Odasco stated.

“We intend to be the bridge between the SHRD and the on-campus [residents]. Guidelines and regulations have already been put in place for the safety of the students. If necessary, an orientation for the on-campus [residents], along with SHRD and dorm managers, regarding these guidelines and regulations may happen,” chairperson Krystal Matus added. 


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