Saturday, July 27, 2024

SU NetRadio ups ante to get more listeners

By Susanah Jane L. Lapa

The Silliman NetRadio will now be playing more varied genres of music along with featuring talk shows to attract more audience.
Iphraim Cabristante, senior mass communication student and SNR ’s student manager, said they have made changes to SNR ’s programming by adding a local flavor to their music playlist and by presenting a radio talk show called “School on Air” which will discuss student concerns.
“We’re inviting local artists or Sillimanians who have their original recorded songs to let us air their work. And also we’re asking for student volunteers who want to experience working in radio,” he said.Managed by the College of Mass Communication and launched last semester, SNR was established to reach out to alumni and friends around Dumaguete and abroad.
The SNR station also doubles as a laboratory for mass communication students enrolled in broadcasting courses.
Cabristante said because the internet radio is a relatively new medium, only a few know that SNR exists. He added that they are trying their best to promote it.
However, Shamarden Santiago, senior management student, still prefers listening to traditional radio. “I think the traditional medium is more convenient. I don’t always have access to the internet and when I do, the connection is usually slow,” she said
According to Cabristante, he also believes that Internet speed is one of the disadvantages of online radio but the problem is “beyond our control.” On the plus side, he said online radio is more cost efficient in terms of energy and staff becauseit requires fewer equipment and it is run mostly by students.
“Online has a wider reach. That’s why radio stations themselves also have their own streaming, they also want to reach outside Dumaguete,” he said.
One of SNR ’s most recent activities includes the coverage of this year’s intramurals, streaming live reports of the games. “We really encourage Sillimanians to listen because this is for them. SNR is student-oriented, we discuss topics that are relatable and we feature people from the university,” he said.
Cabristante recommends using any phone or device that supports Ustream because it loads faster.
Silliman NetRadio can be accessed at


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