Saturday, July 27, 2024

Students, faculty react to admin’s budget plan

By DM Lorena V. Narciso

After the university introduced a cutback strategy to gain funds for calamity victims, Sillimanians expressed their split opinions on the act’s overall merit.
In a memo forwarded to university offices last Nov. 22, SU President Ben. S. Malayang III said whatever savings the university can generate will be used to further assist those who still need material and psychosocial relief in Bohol and Leyte.
Vice-president for Finance and Administration Clenonico Y. Fontelo added that although the administration has certain ideas as to how departments can cut back on expenses, it will give all university units freedom to choose their own savings scheme.
Among the cost-saving alternatives colleges and departments have undertaken isto not hold Christmas parties.
Student Government President Rona Marie Namocatcat said she believes the message of the budget plan is not just to cut expenses but to be one with the survivors and to teach students to be less materialistic.
“Students must realize there is a reason why all of this is happening.
Dr. Malayanghas always emphasized it to me that every move the administrationmakes is always for the good of the students,” she said.
Namocatcat also said if the colleges are still undecided as to how they should utilize the money they have allocated for the Christmas parties, it would be “better to give it out to the community through outreach programs.” SU Faculty Association (SUF A) President Jan Antoni Credo also said the cost-cutting measure is a “good step” for the university.
“There are always repercussions. The university has probably already made calculations on the possible disadvantages.At least, this is only for a year,” he added.
SUF A will hold a thanksgiving service to save their “almost P100,000 budget” for the year end party and contribute it to the university’s programs for calamity victims


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