Saturday, July 27, 2024

Engr’g org’s lantern design wins

By Jelanie Rose T. Elvina

The Philippine Ins titute of Computer Engineering Students (PHICES) topped this year’s parol-making contest.
PHICES members stood shouting on the green benches of the amphitheater last Dec. 2 after they were announced as winner.“We weren’t expecting to win first place because we saw other parol designs which were really beautiful,” said Michael Libosada, one of the PHICES parol makers.
In compliance to contest rules which require parols to be made out of indigenous and recyclable materials, PHICES used cellophane bags as well as plastic spoons, forks, plates and straws as their main materials.
The Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) and the Mona Lisa Society placed second and third respectively.
Inspired by this year’s theme “Light and Hope,” PICE member and parol maker, John Paul Credo, said he eventually thought of typhoon Yolanda victims.
“Through the effort of decorating this type of parol, we could share our creativity and sympathy to them. This star (parol) is for them,” he said.
He added that along with the parol he has offered prayers of recovery and strength for the Yolanda victims. Referring to the durability of their parol, Credo also said he hoped for the same resiliency for the victims so they would be able to keep going after their terrible losses.
Although PICE representatives were “glad” to have placed second in the contest, Credo said they were “annoyed, pressured and tensed” due to the late announcement of the contest date which was two days before the actual competition.
Both PHICES’s Libosada and PICE’s Credo suggested that the organizers should disseminate information earlier next time so they can make a more “presentable output.” Nevertheless, the two agreed that they were “fulfilled” after seeing their works of art in a short amount of time. The contest was organized by the Silliman Church through its chaplaincy office in partnership with the Silliman University Student Organization Committee.


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