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Being ‘Clubbed’ to Death

By Maria Fiona A. Labucuas | Feature Writer

Vol. XCI No. 3 — Aug. 14, 2019

Clubs are defined as organizations or associations that cater to a particular interest or activity, and Silliman University has a lot of them. Aside from organizations, there are numerous committees that students may join, may it be in the Silliman University Student Government (SUSG) or in their respective colleges and departments.

These organizations often enable students to participate and get involved in extracurricular activities. These activities allow students to explore interests, create broader perspectives, and exposure to bigger responsibilities. Extracurricular activities also result in higher self-esteem among students and provide social opportunities for students to make new friends and memories.

Cedrick Babor, a Grade 11 STEAM student, shared the reason he involves himself in extra-curricular activities. “I find a sense of accomplishment in completing tasks that need to be done,” said Babor. “I involve myself because I enjoy serving people may it be directly or indirectly.” He also stated that what makes participating in extracurricular activities worthwhile is the happiness and smiles he gets to experience with people.

The student organizations also serve as gateways towards service, may it be to fellow students, to the community, the environment, or the country as a whole. Through extra-curricular activities, one is able to learn a lot more than what is discussed within the four walls of the classroom. According to Babor, the difference between learning in the classroom and involvement in extracurricular activities is that the latter gets to engage with a more diverse group of people. Extracurricular activities help develop leadership and time management skills. He recalls how his service in his org taught him to respect different individuals and to set his priorities straight.

As beneficial as extracurricular activities may be, they also have negative effects on students, especially without proper management. Some activities are time-consuming and conflict with study time or time that could be spent making school work. Extracurricular activities can also affect a student’s health if the tasks they entail are tedious and stressful. Students may experience getting ‘clubbed’ to death if they have more extracurricular commitments than they can handle.

Chona Lynn Crouch, a Grade 12 STEAM student, said that it is a student’s responsibility to do good in school but he/she can also get involved in activities that benefit others and the planet at the same time. She is the head of three sub-committees in executive committees under the SUSG and organized numerous programs, events, and activities. “Due to the numerous responsibilities, I can no longer sleep eight hours a day,” stated Crouch. “Despite this, my grades have always been good and above 90.”

A student can balance academics and extracurriculars through proper time management, setting of priorities, and determination. There may be hard and pressuring times, especially during midterms or finals season, or when the student is discouraged by others. Crouch says that these students will hear statements like “Don’t complain because you are the one making your life more difficult” or “No one asked you to join those clubs” but they shouldn’t be a hindrance. These hurdles shouldn’t stop the student from unleashing their full potential from finding themselves in their interests or from helping the community.

It’s not a problem when a student joins as many clubs as they please as long as they can handle the responsibility and avoid getting ‘clubbed’ to death. 


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