Saturday, July 27, 2024

Love, Alumni


by Maya Angelique B. Jajalla

We always try not to feel it. This is the very thing that many of us don’t want to carry when we leave the halls of Silliman.
There are thousands of things to do here in the campus by the sea. But there are also things that hold us back
in pushing ourselves and exploring our potentials. Silliman is not only a place for the academicians. It is also an artist’s haven, a free spirit’s playground, a Christian’s paradise, an activist’s rally ground, a vendor’s market, a  fashionista’s runway, an alumni’s home. It is many things to many people. Yet, some graduates look back and wish they had done more.
Will we let those fears, doubts, complacency, laziness, indifference and pressure win and allow us not to do all those things?
This is a space dedicated to our alumni – a compilation of things they wish they had done back in college. Their collective piece of advice to the students: DO THEM . Do what scares you. We only have one life. And we only go through college once.

I wish I had borrowed a book from  the library. I never did. – Cole Leo Geconcillo

I wish I had learned how to surf.And photography and videography.–DokTimbancaya

Things I wish I had done? Hhmmm…I wish I finished my degrees in AB ENGLISH and AB HISTORY, both of which I could have done with an extra semester. Hahahaha. I lacked six units sa English, and three units sa History.  Hehehe. I ended up taking my MA instead! – Sir Victor Emmanuel Enario

I wish I had taken the time to meet more people. – Aaron Galvez

I wish I had applied for an educational program abroad. Or I wish I had enrolled in random classes (kanang
wala sa syllabus) like marine biology if that’s possible. I wish I had told someone I liked him. – Princess Dianne Kris

I should have pursued and protected my dreams. BSN wasn’t my preferred course but my parents pushed me to
enter the halls of SUCN. If it weren’t for the possibilities of my dreams, I would have opted to give up. But I guess great things happen when you are an obedient daughter. I am a registered nurse now, and I am slowly working on my real aspirations. – Ma. Michaella Isabel Luayon

I wish I had joined volleyball or even dancesport during intrams! I was always busy looking over the needs of the
college (CBA) when I was its Governor. – Russell Magallanes

I wish I had studied harder to get better grades. I wish I had done something crazy like getting inside Katipunan Hall at midnight…I wish I had gotten the number of my crush. Hahaha. – Alexandra Diane Iso

…being part of the school’s choir could’ve been awesome if I was able to pass the auditions. Hahaha! – Dust Gaudan

I wish I had been able to have more quality time in reading the books inside the SU library. – Rea Samantha Migullas

[I wish I] had joined a fraternity. – Retz Pol Pacalioga
I wish I had done stage plays. –Krizia Magallanes
I wish I had cared for my studies more.– Micah Stefan Dagaerag

I wish I had climbed the wall at the Cuernos de Negros Booth and been part of any play by the Speech and Theater Arts Department. – Kirk RJ Roncesvalles

I wish I had joined Silliman Idol and tried out for the Stallions (SU’s varsity team for basketball). – Nolan Sarana

I should have joinedMr.Hibalag. –Alfie Calingacion

There are many things I wish I had done. But the greatest wish that I would have wished for during my stint in Silliman is being more active: Active physically, and more active in curricular and extra – curricular activities. I wish I had been part of the SU Church. Since my dad and sister were all part of the church and they keep telling me they had a blast. I wish I had become part of a fraternity; this was to increase my “street cred” around campus. Also, my peers and relatives tell me that being part of a frat will get you connections once you are older (so yeah). I wish I became friends sooner with fellow photographers (to expand my horizon sa akong field). I wish I had become part of the tWS and not just a contributor. This would have been crucial in developing my journalistic eye. But aside from all my missed opportunities during my student years, Silliman provided enough facets for me to learn and grow in my art and in Jesus. Basically all my wishes karon was to expand connections in the “real world” because in the real world, references matter. – Aris Dimitri

I remember during my first year in Silliman I had a mental list of all the things I wanted to do (e.g. getting high
grades, joining orgs that are in line with my interests, exploring the island and many, many more.. even falling in love) and I think I was able to do all of them. So now I can look back with satisfaction knowing I made the most out of my college years. – Mahogany Rae Bacon

I wish tWS would never have to publish an article about this again. Because I wish the future batches of alumni would look back at their college years with contentment, knowing that they made most out of their stay in this beautiful campus by the sea. When we leave the halls of Silliman/Roam the world o’er near and far; Still the faith/and truth/ she gave us/Will remain a guiding star; O’er in high place or in lowly, Fortune sends us joy or pain; To our love for dear old Silliman/Loyal shall we e’er remain I hope you enjoyed your stay, alumni! To the students: Carpe diem. This is our time. Belated Happy 112th Founders Day, Silliman University!


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