Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Worst Best Places to Study on Campus

by | April 5, 2024

With midterms in season, and no library to study in, the students of Samukan University have a huge problem on their hands—where can they study? The Oriental Hall is packed, and beds beckon them to sleep; cafes empty their wallets, and coffee shops trigger caffeine addictions—it’s a lose-lose situation. But beyond the campus library or the Oriental Hall, hidden gems have yet to be discovered by the studentry. 

Welcome to and today, we’re counting down our top picks for the best study locations on the Samukan campus:

  1. The Library under construction – Motivation is the catalyst of a studying session, and what better way to get inspired than to sit on the steps fronting the Main Library? Although construction prevents you from barging right in, the ghosts of your studious ancestors and the aroma of bat droppings can certainly set the mood and light that fire needed for a successful study session. Despite the ongoing renovation, the library never fails to serve that musky, dark academia atmosphere (Secret History by Donna Tartt, who?). 
  1. Luce Auditorium Dance Studio – Inside the university’s auditorium is a studio that has raised generations of dancers. Although not every pupil may study performing arts, the practice room provides stellar acoustics for reciting memorized information. While recalling technical terms, long lists, and specific concepts, the mirrored area helps you hear your voice loud and clear—alongside the thunderous chords of Mozart and resounding bangs of ballerina footwork, of course! (Trachea, Bronchi, Alveo—Oh my god, sabaa gud ani nga studio!?)
  1. Cimafranca Ballfield – If indoor settings aren’t working out, the Cimafranca Ballfield is the perfect location to gain a fresh learning point of view. Unlike the stuffy and crowded insides of school buildings, the field provides a wide space with a cottagecore aesthetic. Students can lay on the grass, soak in the sun, and open their textbooks to page 394—boogsh!! (Study at your own risk, watch out for flying soccer balls. It is unknown whether these hit some sense into you, or give you a concussion. Thankfully, SUMC is right across the road). 
  1. Swimming Pool – If you somehow survived a face-to-face encounter with a soccer ball, perhaps you’re fatigued on your study journey. Luckily, the campus has its very own swimming pool that’ll definitely cool you down—perhaps the training athletes might even splash some sense into you (Accidentally, of course). With a mouthful of chlorine, and a gallon of pool water down your throat, any student would be awake enough to tackle midterm materials (Not even 10 pages in, and it seems like the chlorine is taking a toll on your stomach—maygani naa ray banyo sa duol!).
  1. Comfort Room (C.R.)- The bathroom is truly the best place to study. No distractions, no flying soccer balls, and no people. In the silence of the stall, you try to recall all the concepts you learned throughout the day—but nothing of substance comes to mind. Alas, after exhausting all studying locations on campus, not a single lesson was learned. At least the C.R. gives optimal comfort in this time of crisis…

Although the campus is currently lacking a library, its students continue to strive for and achieve academic excellence nonetheless. In all seriousness, each student possesses different study needs—whether that be a tranquil environment or a vibrant atmosphere. What could be a prime study space for one may not be for another. 

So, in case you happen to pass by the Library, Luce Auditorium, Cimafranca Ballfield, Swimming Pool, or any comfort room, try your hand at pulling out a book and studying in these locations. Who knows, you might actually learn something new.


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