Saturday, July 27, 2024

KY 69: Purpose in Every Beat

By Quotable Therapist ng Dapitan | April 4, 2024

“Mmm, kalma.” 

Aside from Skuzta Glee and Iller Mostrena, singers of “Lagabog” themselves, who else best associates with this line other than Kween Yasmin, one of the most sought-after, and multi-talented artists in the Philippines? She didn’t earn hundreds of thousands of likes on her “Lagabog” dance cover for nothing, did she? With a bliss like hers, Yasmin surely doesn’t go unnoticed. In fact, her recent spoken poetry pieces made her even closer to the limelight of entertainment. 

Those with a musical ear can tell: Yasmin’s performances online are impressive, so much that many say, it is the best she can offer. They believe that Yasmin’s song, dance, and literature are only the beginning of an even greater art form. As such, more than the beats and grooves, musicians and psychologists alike find Yasmin’s discography “purposeful,” emphasizing it as art entwined with meaningful messages encompassing an artistic response to societal challenges linked with mental issues—an opportunity Samukan University (SU) would like to put on a pedestal of its academe. 

Anticipated to dawn by the next school year, KY 69: Introduction to Kween Yasmin’s Discography is a celebrity study elective course that will soon drape the halls of SU, fostering art and psychology through the lessons: Anatomy of “Esophagus” and “Pantog,” which aims to decipher the depths of Yasmin’s poems: Peace and Piece Building; set to tackle the intricate details weaved in Yasmin’s viral peace sign pose: and “Mmm, kalma,” specialized to talk about dancing as a means of stress management.  

“Much psychological research shows the advantages of art in coping with mental health issues, most specifically singing,” says Roger Ekantalang, SU Den of Psychics.

Adored for her squeaky, high-pitched voice, Kween’s singing prowess has been a solace to many since the pandemic. With the students’ seemingly uphill sojourns both in and beyond school, this course—through the collaboration of the College of Potheads and Venerable Artists (COPVA) and Den of Psychics—the university aims to promote Kween’s discography and its notable impacts. Beneath the successful deliberations of plans between March and April, however, COPVA Dean Deomarch Aprilo undertook an intense test of assertion when he was left no choice but to deliver a proposal speech to the SU Office of the President on behalf of incorporating KY 69. 

“At first, Dr. Beauty MacCla was hesitant to introduce KY 69 because Yasmin’s hair is not short enough to fit the array of pixie-short haircut trademarks in COPVA and Den of Psychics,” said Aprilo in a proud, alto voice. 

Essay after essay, Aprilo’s argument finally won its favor. KY 69 was then approved by the school president on March 31, and by the Boons of Treasurers (BOT) on April 1. 

While KY 69 encapsulates the influential works of Yasmin, the course has also begun to pave an avenue for music therapy to flourish in SU. Ekantalang further shared during the interview how he and Aprilo look forward to starting therapeutic programs in line with Yasmin’s arts, whether through her music, dance steps, or poems. 

Looking back, it was in 2018 when Yasmin’s potential first impressed the world through digital screens. As she transcends her talent one video at a time, little did she know that her content would become one of many people’s comfort amid a pandemic fuss, in just a short time. 

Right now, it has been 2 years since the world ought to begin again, but the difference Yasmin made during the two-year hiatus continues to prevail today, in forms the world can use for a greater cause. Every beat of music, poetry, or groove can be a consoling sound of wisdom, sanity, and understanding of those who journey a deep end. 

For SU, through KY 69, Yasmin’s artistic ability is an opportunity to widen the school’s horizons in art and mental health.


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