Saturday, July 27, 2024


cartoon nov 13

The super typhoon that swept across Eastern Visayas and other parts of the country has caused extensive, almost irreparable damage on the property and lives of thousands of Filipinos. The increasing number of bodies being retrieved and the worsening social unrest most pronounced in Tacloban, Leyte has been in the news day in and day out. Many could only watch teary-eyed as survivors cry out for help—in the form of food, potable water, clothing, medication—to keep themselves alive.
It is heart-breaking enough that super typhoon Yolanda has pushed many of our brothers and sisters into survival mode, but it is more painful to know that a lot of us who are safe and sound are more concerned with trivial matters or on worst cases, are insensitive to the current predicament of those suffering from the natural disaster. This might also be taken as a sign that a great number of us are unaware of the impact of lending a hand in the ongoing relief operations and charity events within and beyond Dumaguete City.
After Yolanda left, heated debates on so many aspects of the disaster have sprung up. We are often quick to react on these issues. There is nothing bad with expressing one’s thoughts on this subject as long as any statement expressing eagerness to help will be translated into action. There are many things we can do. We can donate relief goods by leaving them in drop boxes located within the university.Instead of spending too much time on the internet playing games and watching movies, we could also volunteer in packing the goods in selected venues such as
Silliman Hall and recognized non-profit organizations such as Gawad Kalinga. We can also lend our talents to charity events.
To show solidarity and sensitivity to the victims, social network users are encouraged to minimize posting photos of food and ranting on minor ails. We could use our time on the internet wisely by sharing verifiable information on the victims and to invite friends and family to help in the relief operations.
Students who have families that were affected by the super typhoon also need our support in these very difficult times. Though some Silliman organizations have done their part, we can still contribute as well in so many little ways.
The Weekly Sillimanian believes that the university’s students are capable of empathy and sacrifice for the good of others. Though Yolanda has brought out the bad in a number of us,eventually, it will bring out the best in most individuals.


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