Saturday, July 27, 2024


Do Senior High students have more potential than college students?

Senior High School (SHS) has proven once again that they are a force to be reckoned with in Silliman University. SHS dominated the recent university intramurals, grabbing nine gold trophies and the overall championship plum.

On their second year of participation, the “potentials” have disappointed the College of Business Administration (CBA) to sustain their winning streak in the intramurals. They have also deprived the College of Engineering and Design (CED) from tasting the seemingly intractable general championship victory.

Is it really because of SHS’ greater potentials that they are thriving in some university affairs such as the intramurals?

Or is it just because odds are on their favor now?

The greatest advantage of Senior High this intramurals is its population. SHS is one of the largest, if not the largest, academic units in terms of population.

Because of this, they were able to participate in all the sports events. They could also afford to have as many substitutions as they wanted, unlike small colleges whose first five became the “permanent five” who played throughout an entire basketball match.

Non-playing committees in SHS were very effective as well since many people volunteered. For example, the cheering committee is not just composed of 30 or more people but hundreds. During the semi-finals volleyball match against CBA, for example, SHS’ swallowed the Banda Manga of CBA by loud cheers and resounding chants.

Although this did not directly affect the result of the game, but support from the audience surely did boost the morale and confidence of the team, magnifying their winning chances.

Moreover, the absence of freshmen and sophomore years in college had an inadvertent effect on the games. The supposed first and second years, who arguably are the most active, youthful and sprightly people, are still Senior High students.

Hence, unlike the colleges, all sports talents and skills were concentrated on one department—SHS.

Apart from strength in number, SHS players are individually skilled. Some are varsity players in their previous schools who have been playing the sport for years.

More significantly, some SHS players are trainees or even members of university varsity teams because the rule on college varsity players that they should not be allowed to play their own sports in the Intramurals does not apply to Senior High.

Lastly, the Weekly Sillimanian (tWS) believes that aside from the above reasons, the mindset of the “potentials” toward the intramurals changed how they played each game. They even staged a mini-intramurals in their  department called “Palakasan” in order to select the best athletes for the intramurals.

All colleges are competitive but SHS wanted the overall championship trophy more badly. They are eager to prove to the entire Silliman University that they can make a comeback and steal the trophy even in their second participation.

Nevertheless, tWS congratulates CED that despite being in disadvantage in terms of population, they came a close second to SHS, with a 30-point difference.

We also congratulate all the colleges, medal-full or medal-less, for exerting time, monetary resources and manpower for the intramurals.

This win in the Intramurals is not just a feat of the SHS department but a feat of the entire Silliman University. We, their ates and kuyas, should be happy because these so-called “potentials” have exceeded our expectations.


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