Saturday, July 27, 2024


Being home to around 300 international students every school year,
Silliman University is without a doubt a melting pot of cultures. The
presence of foreign students adds to the vibrancy of campus life. The
most attractive features of the institution are its reputable degrees,
English programs, and distinctive historical identity. These are the
reasons why students from all over the world flock to this university
The university has opened several programs and organizations to
better serve foreign students. For one, Silliman now has an office to
cater to the different needs of international students. They can now
approach the Adviser to the International Students for concerns with
regard to their stay and for pertinent documents. The university’s
International Studies Program has bolstered Silliman’s performance
on the global stage, as well. The existence of a registered student
organization in the form of Higala- Students Around the World
(HI-SAW) has made it easier for them to socialize with fellow
students and to adjust to the local culture.
It is good news for all of us to hear that we are one of the top
choices in the International Students category of relevant
and reputable surveys like Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). It is
pleasant as well to hear that we are not lagging too far behind in the national university rankings. This only proves that that the “whole person education” approach that Silliman offers is effective in attracting students and moulding its
existing constituents.
However, with everything running smoothly, there are still things
that need to be done to upgrade current standing. With students
struggling to incorporate the Five-Day Scheme into their systems,
the administration needs to enact steps that would make the transition
easier for both local and international students. Likewise, to bolster
Silliman University’s global competitiveness and prominence, it
should strengthen its student exchange programs and reach out to
more students. After all, the best ambassadors a university can get
are its students who will represent the institution in other countries.
More stringent academic policies and a more vigilant checking of
faculty performance are also some points for improvement that the
university can do to better its performance.
Where we stand is good but to cease striving for excellence should
not be an option. As Gordon B. Hinckley puts it, “mediocrity will
never do” especially when one has potential to be so much more


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