Saturday, July 27, 2024

Discipline: The Key


Traffic in Hibbard Avenue has been a recurring problem in Silliman. This two-lane road is not enough for the hot-headed pedicab drivers and unscrupulous motorist. The traffic in Hibbard is posing inconvenience to the commuters during noontime.

As observed and seen by many people, there is a one-way route along Hibbard Avenue going to Piapi during lunch time. Vehicles from Piapi should detour to Looc Bypass. This detour consumes a lot of travel time compared to a direct route in Hibbard.

Mark Raygan Garcia, director of Office of Information and Publications, released a press statement regarding this traffic problem.

According to Garcia, “It is to be noted that the area along Hibbard Avenue where traffic is at its worst during dismissal time is a public road. By law, Silliman cannot enforce any regulations along the area; it can only effect guidelines on its own premises – which it did at its own initiative and costs.”

It is explained in the press statement that Silliman tried different measures to ease the traffic problem. Two years ago, Silliman offered free bus rides to elementary students to the Filomeno Cimafranca Ballfield where the parents can pick up their children. However, only a few students took advantage of the service.

Furthermore, Silliman is trying to explore additional measures to ease the traffic along Hibbard Avenue which has become a public concern.

Even with assistance from Traffic Management Office (TMO) of the City Government of Dumaguete, vehicle drivers are still not observing basic traffic rules such as “drop off” signs.

We believe that it is neither Silliman nor TMO’s fault. The motorists are to be blamed for irresponsible road traffic etiquette. If there’s still an ounce of respect and decorum left, they should follow traffic rules. Again, though it may sound like a broken record, discipline is the key.


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