Saturday, July 27, 2024

DuNat Worry, We Will Make a New University!

It’s official: the Warfreak Sillymanian (tWS) will be making the daring leap from student publication to student political party in the upcoming Samukan University Study Group (SUSG) Elections 2024.

Our editor-in-chief, Scooby-Do Bee Du, vies for the position of SUSG President while our  associate editor, SnooPeaNat, eyes for SUSG Vice President. In our party’s flagship campaign, tWS Party will push for its main platform: “DuNat Worry, We Will Make a New University!”

In our media stint, we have seen everything, the ups and downs, the blood, sweat, and tears of the needy Sillymanian. We are left with no choice but to criticize those responsible for any lapses. Throughout our operations, we realized—painfully yet soberingly—that many efforts toward student leadership and representation are at the mercy of an administration who makes decisions against students’ interests.

That’s why we will be establishing an entirely new school for students dissatisfied with SU. While still in the same campus, this new university will resemble the democratic systems of the reality show Pinoy Beri Beauty (PBB). Seats in the Board of Chismis and other positions will be managed by students. In this way, the university will truly put the students first.

Other priorities of our SUSG administration shall be transforming the admin building into new dorms to give students the premium choice. The Institute of Clean and Cool Lavatory Sinuses’ (ICLS) building will also start construction right away. Resolutions passed by the SUSG Assembly will also be automatically approved by the concerned offices, with any delays in processing having major consequences such as expulsion.

Of course, implementing these platforms shall not be a smooth one. If elected, we will negotiate with the current administration for them to relinquish their control over SU to the students. In return for their cooperation, we will give them all the profits of the College’s Peak land resort at SU Farm as well as all management rights.

Perhaps our solution to student concerns may seem like a radical one, but tWS Party firmly believes that this course of action is completely necessary. After all, can we really hope for more student-centered university decisions if our representation is routinely relegated to the sidelines? 

A change in the system is necessary if we are to have any hope of moving forward as a student body. At tWS Party, we put you first—literally, at the top of SU’s organizational structure.


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