Saturday, July 27, 2024

Finding love all over the place

By Neil Willer S. Nobleza | Circulation Manager

Vol. XCI No. 10

Nov. 22, 2019

A great challenge, and the persistent desire to overcome obstacles, pay a great reward. No matter how big a challenge is or how pain and efforts you endure, if there is a great desire to excel there will always be light beyond stormy weather. Last October 14, during the event of the Buglasan Festival, a group of Sillimanians called All Over The Place (AOTP) performed–fronting the Parokya ni Edgar concert. The group, being neophyte performers, received negative reactions from the audience. Recently, they’ve signed a contract with Warners Music which I think is a good opportunity for the group. In my opinion, bashing any of those bands who performed on-stage is inappropriate. They have done their part to make people happy and entertained. I am concerned with the performers since they received bad mouthing and booing from the people who didn’t appreciate their effort. These people are not aware of their struggles from their daily practices for the sake of performing in front of crowds. What the bashers did may lead to low self- esteem. Perhaps, an inspiration to strive harder to let the world know that they exist, despite those bad words, the booing that they received, they maintained their confidence. They have done well on stage and let the people know that they can perform. Not just that, they have also inspired lots of young people to perform. Even if the crowd belittled their performance, they still stood out to those who know them. They are still great performers to those who believed in them.

For those who performed on stage and people are not appreciating the performance, you should be thankful for giving you the motivation to work harder. Be thankful for them for making you strive more to let the world know that you people exist. Do not rant or take revenge, even if they didn’t appreciate your efforts. You’ve done your part and if they are not satisfied with it, then it’s not your fault. You are here to perform and make people happy, let them know that you have a talent, not to impress them. You are just young singers that want to reach your dreams. You are doing your best to make your family and friends proud. Since the crowd didn’t like your performance then next time do better, better than what people expect, which you guys did and I know you did your best I’m a fan of your music strive more and keep on fighting, all the badmouthing and booing is part of the challenges you take on, for unity is strength when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved. For those people who are there, the people who badmouth the group at least learn to listen and understand the efforts of the group because it takes them time and hard work to perform on stage.


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